Pancakes are a great morning treat. And why should your gluten free diet deprive you of some fully sweet pancakes?
There are some pre-made shop gluten free mixes that you can buy but this recipe is so much better in terms of taste and is less expensive then the mixes.
These will make enough pancakes for 6 pancakes but you can always add or reduce the ingredients according to your needs.
125 grams (1 cup)of gluten free self raising flour (This will help make the fluffy pancakes we want if you want more of a crepe style pancake you can use plain gluten free flour)
1 egg
250 ml of milk
butter to fry
Start with adding your flour to a bowl and crack your egg.

Using a balloon whisk or fork, combine the mixture together. Then add the milk slowly at a time and thoroughly whisk.

once you have a paste like consistency leave to set for a few minutes. Take a non stick frying pan and add some butter. Once the butter is melted slowly pour the mixture into circles. let the pancakes cook until one side has dots you can flip it over. Repeat until you have used up all the mixture.

once all the pancakes have been cooked you can serve with a pancake filling of your choice. I would highly recommend some lemon juice and sugar on top.
